Azteca Productos® FLAX SEED or LINAZA 1 lb
- The body does not produce essential fatty acids (EFA's) i.e. Linolenic acid and Linoleic acid and, as a result, they must be supplied through diet. Ground Flax Seed is rich in EFA's.
- Un-ground flax seed is not digestible and, as a result, it will not supply the body with the necessary lignans or ALA. To be effective, flax seed must be ground before it is ingested
- For optimum nutrient value, use ground flax seeds instead of flax oil. Flax oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, but it does NOT contain the beneficial lignans and fiber. The lignans and fiber are removed in the production process.
- Flax seed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. About one-third of the fiber in flax seed is soluble. soluble fiber can aid in lowering cholesterol and regulating blood sugar levels.
- Two-thirds of the fiber in flax seed is insoluble. Insoluble fiber aids digestion by increasing bulk and preventing constipation. These characteristics seem to have a role in reducing incidents of colon cancer.
- Ground Flax Seed is rich in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and zinc.
- The fiber benefits of flax seed can only be found in the ground flax seed.
- Typical ground flax seed intake - 25 to 30 grams / day.
- Always purchase whole flax seed - Avoid purchasing ground flax seed - its potency may be diminished due to improper handling and storage.
- Flax seed contains anti-oxidants that keep the oil and pulp fresh within the seed. Flax seed should be kept "whole" until immediately prior to use.
- Processed foods take energy to digest. Whole foods provide energy and nutrients during and after digestion.
- Flax seed is easily ground using a Coffee Grinder, Grain Grinder, Blender, Bamix etc. Cultivada mediante agricultura ecológica, libre de pesticidas químicos de síntesis y abonos químicos. INGREDIENTES: Whole Flaxseed Golden Omega Variety Grown without chemicals or pesticides - 1lb bag.